Understanding Landlord and Tenant Rights in Dubai - 95dubai.com Insights

What are the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants?

The laws that govern the relationship between a landlord and the tenant in Dubai are quite elaborate to protect the tenant’s interest. Knowledge of these rights and obligations can be beneficial to the two parties in case they come across each other since it will ease interaction between them.

In general rights of the landlords are the right to rent the premises, the right to be compensated for the premises rented and the right to expel the tenants, while on the other hand, the obligations of the landlords are the obligation to provide the tenants with a premise to occupy, the obligation to ensure the tenant’s possession of the premise rented is protected and the obligation to compensate the tenant for any loss suffered by the tenant.

Understanding Landlord and Tenant Rights in Dubai - 95dubai.com Insights
Understanding Landlord and Tenant Rights in Dubai – 95dubai.com Insights
  • Rental Income and Rent Increases
    • Rental income is one of the rights of the landlords as detailed by the lease agreement. They are allowed to increase the rent at the time of renewal and all they have to ensure that they offer the tenant with at least 90 days’ notice of the intention to increase the rent and follow RERA Rental Increase Calculator.
  • Repairs Tenants are always expected to live in a clean and habitable property and therefore the landlords bear the cost of the regular maintenance and repair of the property. This includes the exercise of minor fixing up and maintenance for the property so as to make it safe for people to live in. These rectify include routine check ups and prompt response to complaints or requests for diagnosis and repairs.
  • Tenants’ Rights Pigeon can evict tenants for genuine causes for instance non-payment of rent, unauthorized subletting, defacing or engage in unlawful business. There are various legal requirements that they need to follow and include giving 12 months’ notice for eviction for instances like personal use of the property, large-scale reconstruction or selling of the property. Any eviction that may occur has to follow the legal procedure and if a court order has to be sought, it has to be done.
  • Security Deposits
    • The landlords have the freedom to keep part or the entire security deposit if the property is not returned as expected, if it has been damaged beyond that of the regular amount of wear and tear. The deposit should be returned as soon as possible if there are no such problems or questions.

This paper is a research about the rights and obligations of tenants.

  • Other LAWS Tenant are required to pay rent on time in accordance to their lease agreement. Consequently, this may make the tenant attract penalties or even legal consequences such as receiving eviction notices.
  • Tenants’ Use of Property Tenants must use property only for the intended purpose as mentioned in the tenancy agreement. They also need the landlord’s written consent before making alterations of the property or subletting the space. Unauthorized alterations may result in fines or even removal from the premises.
  • Safety Tenants have the rights to be protected from risks that may harm their lives, properties and well-being. It is the duty of landlords to repair and maintain the property hence fixing any problems that may arise. The disputing tenant has an added law that permits him to refer the particular case to RERA for further action.
  • Privacy and Quiet Enjoyment
    • This is where the tenant is expected to have physical privacy in his rented property as well as be allowed to enjoy the property without any form of interference. Tenants must be given notice before the landlord and his/her representatives can access the property for purposes of physical inspection or in making necessary repairs except in special circumstances.
  • Dispute resolution
    • Tenants are allowed to go to the Rental Disputes Settlement Centre which is under RERA, in case of a disagreement. This body has a framework that will deal with some of the complaints that would be with regard to rent and other aspects such that they will be legal and will be fair to both parties involved.

Quiz: Rights and Obligations of Landlords and Tenants

Test your knowledge based on 95dubai.com

1. How much notice must a landlord provide before increasing the rent?

2. Who is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition?

3. How long is the notice period for eviction for major renovations or personal use?

4. Can tenants sublease the property without landlord’s consent?

5. What must a tenant do if they wish to vacate the property at the end of the lease?