DLD Completes 647 Amicable Real Estate Settlements in Dubai
The Dubai Land Department (D This was achieved by the DLD through the Oqoodi platform which is a service that aims at quickening and streamlining the real estate transactions. This helped the platform to enable approving all the settlement agreements and therefore proving the department’s stance on solving the disputes in the right manner.

In the opinion of DLD, the most effective way of dealing with real estate disputes is to avoid confrontation since this is very time consuming, costly and also results to the loss of good relationship which existed between the two parties.
By offering its legal representation and by analyzing each specific case, the DLD’s legal team assure that all rights of the involved parties are protected during the whole process of the solution. This has been useful in sustaining the investors’ confidence and continuity of the real estate projects which are ongoing within the Dubai market.
This paper also establishes that the DLD’s amicable settlement service has one major advantage of providing quick and effective solutions to the parties without having to go through the lengthy court processes.
This way is beneficial for sustaining the relationship, and, most importantly, it is cheaper in terms of financial and emotional investments that are necessary for the court hearings. These legal documents offers confidence and at the same time enhance the relationship between the developers and investors in relation to the real estate sector.
According to Abdullah Al Zarooni, This also assist in the timely prevention of the disputes that may occur in the real estate development projects and also assist